本歌取引 :堕天使接引图

Melodies Borrowed from Yore:Raigo of Fallen Angels 

「堕天使接引图 Raigo of Fallen Angels」

本歌:阿弥陀佛接引图 & Balled of Fallen Angels

年代 / Time: 2022

作品类型 / Medium: 数码图像 Digital Imagery

材质 / Material: 人工智能生成图像,数码绘画,微喷印刷

AI-generated Images, Digital Painting, Giclée Printing

尺寸 / Size: 约100cm x 300cm x 12 *8幅



杉本博司在「现象」一书中, 将「本歌取」这种创作手法的定义拓展到艺术创作领域,类似于杜尚的「现成品」的创作手法。


“身从幽冥入冥道,山月遍照路遥迢。” —— 雅致女式部 「拾遗和歌集」


“从冥入于冥 永不闻佛名” —— 「法华经」




人工智能于我而言,我将其视作是一种部分受限制的智能个体(intelligent individual), 而不是普世价值中的认知:将人工智能作为一种辅助人类进行智能运算的工具。他与我之间的关系并非单纯的工具与使用者,更多的是偏向一种类似与亦师亦友的状态。在我们的短暂交流中(通过数据与影像资料等),我将我自身对于某种客观事物的认知传达给了他。在他通过自身的理解与分析后,以自身的视野和媒介向我进行了重新表达。而我收到了他的答复后,重新思考进行“本歌的再次取引”,这样一场我与AI之间的交流,便通过我们双方所选择的媒介表达完成了跨越两个世界的对话。

The project "Melodies Borrowed from Yore" is an attempt to use AI-generated art as a means of "quotation" and "reference" to re-create artworks created by humans, referred to as "human Ben Ge." It is an endeavor to express the "sub-era" context using generative art methods, based on the "current era" traditional artistic expression.

In the current stage of AI-generated art, the "data," "images," and "imagery" we provide to AI are like the "本歌(the orginal from Yore)" quoted in Japanese Waka poetry and the "allusions" referenced in Chinese poetry. If so, perhaps generative art will become the "Ben Ge Qu Yin" approach in this era's context.

Thus, "Melodies Borrowed from Yore" carrying a romantic fantasy about artificial intelligence, re-expresses the appearance of traditional art by "borrowing" it through the "communication" between AI and me as an individual.

For me, AI is seen as a partially restricted intelligent individual, rather than the universal value of cognition: using AI as a tool to assist humans in intelligent calculations. The relationship between AI and me is not merely one of tool and user, but more like a teacher-student and friend-like state. In our brief exchanges (through data and image materials, etc.), I conveyed my understanding of certain objective matters to AI. After its comprehension and analysis, it re-expressed its perspective and medium to me. Upon receiving its response, I reconsidered the "本歌's further quotation." This exchange between AI and me transcended two worlds of dialogue, completed through the media expressions chosen by both parties.